El Error:
Step 2: System Scan
Scan Error
Please try again!
Server Status: 500 -Internal Server Error
Error Message:
Hice varias pruebas y estas 2 me funcionaron:
Habilitar "Enable File Filters" y excluir: "/public_html/test/wp-content/themes;"
Borré los temas no que estaba usando y dejo sólo el activo (habíán 9 themas, quedó sólo 1)
Borrado los temas inactivos, no fue necesario habilitar "Enable File Filters"
I did several tests and these 2 worked:
Enable “Enable File Filters” and exclude: “/ public_html / test / wp-content / themes;”
Enable “Enable File Filters” and exclude: “/ public_html / test / wp-content / themes;”
I deleted the themes not being used and left only the asset (there were 9 thema, there was only 1)
Deleting inactive themes, it was not necessary to enable “Enable File Filters”
I deleted the themes not being used and left only the asset (there were 9 thema, there was only 1)
Deleting inactive themes, it was not necessary to enable “Enable File Filters”
Success and I hope you serve them too!
Eric Villaseñor A.
Eric Villaseñor A.
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